Host/Printer Port 2
This port, labeled “Aux,” is designed to connect to a second host connection (computer or modem), a scanner or
other input device, or a serial printer, and can operate from 110 to 38,400 baud. This port also uses an RS-232-
C interface via an RJ45 female connector and is configured as a DCE device.
Parallel Printer Port
This port, labeled “Parallel” is designed for connection to a parallel printer, which has a Centronics interface with
a 25-pin D-shell female connector. This port, unlike the others, is a uni-directional device, which means that it
only serves to output data to the printer, and cannot receive. The pins and signals supported are shown below.
If you have opted to use a parallel printer, but it is not connected, an error message will appear on the status
line when any PRINT operation is done. To clear the message, press Ctrl-Shift-Tab.