System Presentation
Short Description of the UPS
The UPS (uninterruptible power supply) supplies the connected device for a
certain period of time with voltage if the supply voltage (+24 VDC) fails.
This UPS is a DC UPS. That means that the input voltage as well as the output
voltage of the UPS is +24 VDC. Instead of an accumulator, an AC power supply
unit is installed that is supplied by a main UPS when the 24 V voltage supply
fails. Thus, an output voltage of 24 V remains.
The UPS is able to provide the connected device with 24 V and 2.5 A for three
minutes max. The communication between UPS and connected device occurs
via a serial interface (XCOM1). The UPS consists of the following components:
Enclosed metal housing.
Power unit 115/230 VAC on +24 VDC integrated in the device. This power
supply unit functions as an accumulator if the +24 V supply voltage for the
UPS fails or is switched off.
Display and operating components are arranged accessibly on the front
Integrated burst and surge protection for the connected device.
Project Planning Manual | Rexroth IndraControl VAU 01.1Z
Electric Drives
and Controls
| Bosch Rexroth AG
System Presentation