4.20 Circulation pump (SICASYM)
The circulation pump is driven by a single-phase a.c. motor.
Remove side panels and base plate, disconnect the stainless steel
tank / plastic base pan on the right, consisting of 2 screws (front and
rear). Raise the tank and secure with approx. 4 cm thick object.
The switching of the two motor windings with the motor capacitor is
actuated either via electronics or a relay on the motor connection
via the module
. In the start phase the two windings (one in series
with the capacitor) are connected in parallel to each other and directly
to the mains voltage and generate a very high starting torque. After
the switchover phase, the windings are then in series (one behind
the other), i.e. each winding is connected to half the mains voltage.
The motor is then adjusted optimally to the (operating) pump and
generates very little noise apart from a very low power consumption
– for label AAA –, as the windings are connected to half the mains
voltage during operation.
Terminal diagram:
202_58300000104305_ara_en_b – 02.11.a
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