Bosch Security Systems | 10/03 | 43488E
EN |
| Operation & Installation Guide | 6.0 Telephone Connections
1 - Connect to ACCESSORY CONNECTOR with
ribbon cable.
2 - Green to Terminal 1
3 - Black to Terminal 9
4 - AC Power LED (green)
5 - Phone jack to primary phone line - RJ31X
6 - Primary Fail LED (yellow)
7 - Phone jack to secondary phone line
8 - Secondary Fail LED (yellow)
9 - Phone jack to TELCO Connector
10 - Communications Fail LED (yellow)
11 - Buzzer
Figure 11: D928 Dual Phone Line Switcher
Watchdog Feature
The D928 Watchdog circuit monitors the panel’s CPU
for proper operation. If the CPU fails, the buzzer on the
D928 sounds, as does the sounder on the panel. This
sounder cannot be reset while the CPU is failed. The
D928 stops sounding only when the panel’s CPU returns
to normal operation.
Installing the D928
Mount the D928 on the lower right side of the enclosure
using the screws provided with the switcher.
The D928 has two flying leads. The green lead monitors
AC power and the black lead provides surge protection
for the two incoming phone lines. The black lead is also
the ground reference for the AC PowerLED.
Connect the green lead from the D928 to
Terminal 1.
2. Connect the black lead from the D928 to
Terminal 9.
Phone Connections
Plug one end of the ribbon cable (provided with the
D928) into J4 on the D928. Plug the other end into
the accessory connector on the panel.
2. Plug one end of the D162 (61 m [2 ft.]) phone cord
provided with the D928 into J3 on the D928. Plug
the other end into TELCO on the panel.
3. Plug one end of a D161 (2.1 m [7 ft.]) or a D162
[61 cm (2 ft.)] phone cord into J1 on the D928. Plug
the other end into the RJ31X or RJ38X for the
primary phone line.
4. Plug one end of a D161 or D162 phone cord into J2
on the D928. Plug the other end into the RJ31X or
RJ38X for the secondary phone line.
There is an issue regarding D 928 M od ules
purchased before N ovem ber 19, 200 1.
If you installed a D 928 on a B osch S ecurity
System s D 9412G or D 7 412G , test for the
condition by disconnecting A C pow er from
the panel (battery m ust rem ain connected)
and observing the green LED . If this LED
glow s dim ly, the m odule can be replaced
at no charge (contact C ustom er Service at
(800) – 289-0096).