The button
has been pressed or the sound alarm has been silenced by touching
the module reader with iButton in case of alarms
Device Reboot
The module is reenergized
In case of loss of communications over RS-485 for more than 60 s, all events are sent with time
stamps determined by internal clock of the module. All LEDs except for the power indicator turn off
while the FAULT LED turns on. Once per hour the module automatically synchronizes with the
S2000M control panel. The module provides buffering event transmitted over RS-485.
Network Address
module’s parameter is meant to identify the module uniquely within an
Orion integrated security system. The module sends messages to and receives commands from the
network controller only with the address defined by this parameter. Network address shall be unique for
every module.
Customizing Response Pause
module’s parameter provides operating the module within a system
with a sophisticated network topology where long layover can exist, for example, while converting RS-
485 data into other interfaces intended for transmission over local area networks, fiber optic channels,
or radio channels
Current values of Network Address and Response Pause can be unset to factory (default) values by
successive pressing on the tamper switch three times for a long time and one time quickly (dush-dush-
A long press here means holding the tamper switch pressed for at least 1.5 s. A quick press here is
implied as holding the tamper switch pressed for 0.1…0.5 s. Pauses between presses should be at least
0.1 s and no more than 0.5 s every.
Measuring Instruments, Tools, and Accessories
While mounting, commissioning, and maintaining the module please use the instruments, tools,
and accessories shown in Table 1.5.1.
Table 1.5.1
Digital multimeter
AC/DC voltage up to 500 V, AC/DC current up to 5 A, resistance up to
20M Ohm
Flat head insulated screwdriver
50 mm
Cross slot insulated screwdriver
2x100 mm
Side-cutting pliers
160 mm
160 mm
Every module has a marking applied to the rear side of its enclosure.
The marking contains the name of the product, its decimal number, factory number, the year and
quarter of production, and conformity marks.
The module along with accessory kit and operation documentation is packaged in a separate
cardboard box.