Configurable I/O Application Functions
R2 relay application functions
Frequency threshold reached (FtA) : The relay contact is closed if the motor frequency is greater than or
equal to the frequency threshold set by Ftd in the adjust menu.
Speed reference reached (SrA) : The relay contact is closed if the motor frequency is greater than or equal
to the speed reference value.
Current threshold reached (CtA) : The relay contact is closed if the motor current is greater than or equal
to the current threshold set by Ctd in the adjust menu.
Thermal state reached (tSA) : The relay contact is closed if the motor thermal state is greater than or equal
to the thermal state threshold set by ttd in the adjust menu.
Analog output AO application functions
Analog output AO is a current output, which can be configured for 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA.
Motor current (code OCr) : supplies the image of the motor rms current.
20 mA corresponds to twice the nominal motor thermal current Ith.
Motor frequency (code rFr) : supplies the motor frequency calculated by the speed controller.
20 mA corresponds to the maximum frequency (parameter tFr).
Motor torque (code OLO) : supplies the image of the motor torque as an absolute value.
20 mA corresponds to twice the nominal motor torque (typical value).
Power (code OPr) : supplies the image of the power supplied to the motor by the speed controller.
20 mA corresponds to twice the nominal speed controller power.