The following points must be checked after no more than 500 km of driving or no later than every
six months. We suggest to have this work carried out by a specialist/ bicycle dealer. You will also find
a service certificate for this at the end of this instruction booklet, which your dealer can stamp.
Please note that the maintenance intervals can vary depending on the area of application - e.g. very
dusty operating environments may make smaller intervals necessary.
Check the securing/ screwing of the wheels, handlebars, saddle and all
important screws and quick releases.
Check whether the battery is sufficiently charged.
Check that the brake and shifter cables are adequately lubricated and that the
brake pads are in good condition.
Check whether the bicycle chain is adequately lubricated.
Check gear shifter adjustment if gears shift not properly or chain rassles.
Check whether the welds on the frame, spokes / rims are in good condition and
free from damage, breakage, corrosion or oxidation.
This folding e-bike is intended for transporting one person at a time. Fit your bicycle with suitable
equipment if you would like to transport luggage. Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum
permissible load (rider + luggage).
The manufacturer and dealer do not assume any liability for activities above and beyond the
intended use. This particularly applies for not adhering to safety advice and damage resulting from
this, for instance: off-road use, carrying excess weight or making improper repairs to defects.
The folding e-bike is not generally designed to withstand extreme stress, such as riding down steps
or over jumps.
Error codes computer model 1
Current abnormality
Throttle abnormality
Motor abnormality
Motor hall signal abnormality
Brake abnormality
Communication abnormality
The following points must be checked after no more than 500 km of driving or no later than every
six months. We suggest to have this work carried out by a specialist/ bicycle dealer. You will also find
a service certificate for this at the end of this instruction booklet, which your dealer can stamp.
Please note that the maintenance intervals can vary depending on the area of application - e.g. very
dusty operating environments may make smaller intervals necessary.
Check the securing/ screwing of the wheels, handlebars, saddle and all
important screws and quick releases.
Check whether the battery is sufficiently charged.
Check that the brake and shifter cables are adequately lubricated and that the
brake pads are in good condition.
Check whether the bicycle chain is adequately lubricated.
Check gear shifter adjustment if gears shift not properly or chain rassles.
Check whether the welds on the frame, spokes / rims are in good condition and
free from damage, breakage, corrosion or oxidation.
This folding e-bike is intended for transporting one person at a time. Fit your bicycle with suitable
equipment if you would like to transport luggage. Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum
permissible load (rider + luggage).
The manufacturer and dealer do not assume any liability for activities above and beyond the
intended use. This particularly applies for not adhering to safety advice and damage resulting from
this, for instance: off-road use, carrying excess weight or making improper repairs to defects.
The folding e-bike is not generally designed to withstand extreme stress, such as riding down steps
or over jumps.
23_06_2021 Anleitung-E-Bikes.indd 43
23.06.2021 10:11:10