Live Wallpapers
Live wallpapers feature allows you to select dynamic
wallpapers as per your preference. Select the 'Live
wallpapers' icon from the main interface
List of live wallpapers will be displayed. Select your
preference, the live wallpaper will be set.
Wallpapers feature allows you to select static
wallpapers as per your preference. Select the
[ W a l l p a p e r s ] i co n f ro m t h e m a i n i nte r f a ce.
List of wallpapers will be displayed, swipe to explore
more. Select your desired wallpaper, swipe left or right
to preview the wallpapers
After you select a wallpaper, tap the icon [Set
wallpaper], the selected wallpaper will be set.
AUX in
Connect the video RCA to video input socket and the
audio RCA’s (L+R) to the audio input RCA’s, tap the icon
[AUX-IN] in the main interface to enter AUX-IN
Warning: Do not watch Video while driving
There is a blackout feature in this radio. Tap on
[Blackout] tab to enable a dark screen. The music
continues to play in the background and the screen
appears to be off. This can help you concentrate while
driving at night.
General Feature