The string inverter supports zero-export function via Energy meter / SUN-Limiter. Based on continuously data
communication, once the Limiter or energy meter detects power export to the grid, it will send the information to the
inverter and then inverter will ramp down its active power according to match the load demand and achieve zero export.
The Zero-export function is optional. If you buy the inverter with zero-export function via energy meter, energy meter
will be included in the package which is necessary for zero-export function.
[utility power]
showing positive means grid power is consuming energy, and there is no backflow. If
[utility power]
shows negative, which means there’s excess PV energy flows to grid or current transformer arrow direction is in wrong
direction. Please read more on chapter 7.9.
8. After properly connection is done, wait for inverter starting. If the power of the PV array meets the current power
consumption, the inverter will maintain a certain output to counteract the power of the grid without backflow.
Pic 7.10 Limiter function turn on
When you are reading this, we believe that you have completed the connection according to the requirements
of chapter 5, if you have been running your inverter at this time, and you want to use the zero-export function, please turn
off AC and DC switch of the inverter, and wait for 5 minutes until the inverter completely discharged. Please follow below
Picture 7.11 to connect the energy meter.
For system wiring diagram, the red line refers to L line (L1, L2, L3), the black line refers to the neutral line (N). Connecting
energy meter RS485 cable to inverter's RS485 port. It's recommended to install an AC switch between the inverter
and the utility grid, the specs of the AC switch are determined by the power of load. If there is no integrated DC switch
inside the inverter you purchased, we commend you to connect the DC switch. The voltage and current of the switch
depend on the PV array you access.
* This item is not avaiable for some FW verison
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