NeuroMotive™ User’s Manual
LB-0336 Rev. 1.00
Page 14
NeuroMotive™ File Types
NeuroMotive™ produces the different file types listed below:
Configuration Files
.xml -
NeuroMotive™ creates and updates an
file in the Experiment Directory that
holds all the most current configuration settings for NeuroMotive™. Upon startup NeuroMotive™
searches for this file; if it is found NeuroMotive™ configures itself to the settings listed in the file,
otherwise it creates a new
, sets itself to default settings and stores those settings in
the file. It is important to note that this file is constantly updating as settings are changed.
.ncf -
This file is always created when recording a video file and has the same name as that file. It
can be considered a ‘snapshot’ of the
file because it saves the configuration of
NeuroMotive™ as it is at the time it is created, for instance when a recording is started. This file
can then be loaded using
File->Open Experiment
to reset NeuroMotive™ to how it was at the
time of the recording.
Video Files
Based on the video recording options selected, one of the following file types will be used:
.mpg -
These contain MPEG2 video files, most video players can play these. See Advanced
Options for more details.
.mp4 -
These contain H.264 video files, most current video players can play these. See Advanced
Options for more details.