NeuroMotive™ User’s Manual
LB-0336 Rev. 1.00
Page 10
NeuroMotive™ Camera Options
The NeuroMotive™ system has multiple options for the camera type. The camera-NeuroMotive™ PC interface
depends on the camera type and synchronization method. If using software synchronization or if not using
NeuroMotive™ in conjunction with a neural data acquisition system then simply connect the camera to the
NeuroMotive™ PC. If using hardware synchronization then use the following guidelines:
FireFly MV
The Firefly MV camera has three lens rings that can be twisted see Figure 4. The arrows denote individual
lens rings. Starting with the leftmost ring and moving right the first ring is for zooming in on the scene, the
second ring is the focus for reducing blur and the third ring is the open/close iris for receiving more or less
Figure 4 – The Firefly MV camera.
Connect the camera via USB to the NeuroMotive™ PC and connect the camera to the NSP or CerePlex™
Direct using the supplied hardware synchronization cable (Refer to the CerePlex™ Direct User Manual for
configuring the Direct to use hardware synchronization with NeuroMotive™). For the NSP attach the cable
to a Digital Output Port and for the CerePlex™ Direct attach the cable to the NeuroMotive™ camera port
on the rear of the device. Here’s an example of the system connected to an NSP.
Figure 5 - NeuroMotive™ System Connected to an NSP Using a Color Camera