Engine Manual Talon 190 and Lite 125 Ver .99b
pg. 58
Use the zip tie assembly with tube spacer to hold the fuel line to the Paramotor frame. You
want the zip tie to hold the fuel line firmly to the Paramotor frame. Do not over-tighten the zip
tie to the point where it pinches the fuel line.
Use 2 zip ties on the top and bottom of the primer bulb
Use 1 zip tie on the bottom side of the fuel filter
Use 1 zip tie on the upper motor mount to hold the fuel line in place before it reaches
the carburetor
Now you can hold the fuel line up to the fuel inlet port on the carburetor and determine where
to cut the fuel line so it connects to the carburetor in a straight line. The fuel line should not
have any kinks or bends between the zip tie mount, and the carburetor inlet port.
Cut the fuel line to the correct length and insert the fuel line to the fuel inlet port on the
This completes the steps to replace the Fuel Line with primer bulb and fuel filter