Engine Manual Talon 190 and Lite 125 Ver .99b
pg. 36
the engine is running very rough, and / or will not idle correctly, please call BlackHawk right away. This
should not be occurring, and we want to work with you to verify the engine is setup correctly before
any major damage occurs.
Once you have verified the carburetor settings and the fuel has been primed up to the carburetor, then
you are ready to get your Paramotor started. You can perform this initial step with the Paramotor on
the ground, but it should be secured to an rack, fence post, tree, or object that can hold it safely while
the engine is running. Do not attempt to start the motor without it being secured. This should only be
done as a step to verify the Paramotor will start correctly before you put the Paramotor on your back
for the next stage of the break-in. Do not let the Paramotor idle for an excessive amount of time, and
do not idle up the motor to a high RPM as it is not safe while the Paramotor is on the ground.
Once you have verified the engine will start correctly, it is now time to put the Paramotor on your back
so that you can rev up and hold the engine pasts its idle RPM. The goal of this stage is to get the engine
up to its running temperature of 200-250
, but you want to keep the engine at an RPM of 2800-3000
RPM. By keeping the RPM very low we prevent the engine from heating up to quickly, but we are
running the engine above its idle RPM which should help it run smoother. As the engine heats up you
should notice the engine will begin to run smoother. When you let off the throttle the idle RPM should
also be smoother then when you first started the engine. Once your engine reaches a running
temperature of 200-250
, this stage is complete. During this initial startup phase do not run the
engine at a high RPM, you want to keep the engine around 3000RPM to properly warm up the engine
parts, and to prevent the piston rings from seizing.
Mid-Range to Idle RPM Test
Once you have hit the 200-250
engine temperature you can now slowly bring the engine RPM up
through the midrange rpm which is approximately 5500 RPM. Then once you hit that RPM you can
slowly bring the engine RPM back down to engine idle, and that should be 2000RPM-2200RPM.
If the engine returns to an idle speed of 2000-2200RPM then this stage is complete
If the engine is idling more or less than 2000RPM-2200RPM,
turn off the engine, and take the Paramotor off
then make an idle speed adjustment on the carb to achieve the 2000-2200RPM
then put the Paramotor back on, and test the midrange RPM back down to the idle
speed RPM to make sure the Paramotor idles at 2000-220RPM
Repeat these steps as necessary during the Break-in to set the idle speed correctly on
the engine
You never want to make a carb idle speed or a mixture adjustment while the engine is cold. This
should only be done when the cylinder head temperature is greater than 200
During this stage you want to watch the engine temperature to make sure the engine temperature does
not go over the specified cylinder head temperature called out on page (17) of this manual. If the
engine is over-heating at this stage, then stop the break-in and call BlackHawk as something is wrong.