Engine Manual Talon 190 and Lite 125 Ver .99b
pg. 26
Pull Start:
If you have a Pull Starter for your Paramotor, then there are 2 different versions depending on what
Paramotor you have. When using a pull start the safest way to start the Paramotor is mounted on your
back. If you have a friend have him help you start the motor while it’s on your back. The only other
option would be to mount the Paramotor to a rack, or a post, or a tree; something that will securely
hold the Paramotor frame in place while the engine is running. You should never rev the engine beyond
2500 rpm so that the propeller does not spin or engage while the Paramotor is on the ground. Once the
Paramotor RPM becomes stable around 2200 rpm you should turn the engine off and put the
Paramotor on your back to warm it up the rest of the way.
Talon 190 Pull Start:
The pull start used on a Talon 190 is called a Flash Start. The Flash Start
is a unique pull start as it aides the starting of the engine. Slowly pull on the starter cable
and you want to listen and feel the engine. The engine will turn around until it reaches top
dead center on the stroke, and when it goes just pass this point you will hear a k-thunk from
the engine compression as it passes top dead center. The compression stroke is what winds
up the spring on the Flash Start. Now you can let the pull start retract, and on the second
pull, pull on the starter until you hear a click. This is the point where the Flash Start is ready
to engage. Now give a normal pull on the starter, and the Flash start will engage and help
turn the engine as it starts without have to yank on the starter cable.
Lite 125 Pull Start:
the pull start used on a Lite 125 is a direct drive pull starter. As you pull
on the starter cable it will turn the engine directly.
Starting the Paramotor after it has been Primed
Once you have started your Paramotor, and you have gas flowing into the carburetor you can easily
start your Paramotor again. As long as you do not run out of gas your Paramotor engine should be
ready to start the next day. If you find it hard to start, then just set the carb to the primer position and
give the primer bulb a 1/8 to 1/4 squeeze to add more fuel to the carburetor. If you are in a quiet place
you can listen to the carburetor as fuel squirts into the motor. Do not flood it. In most cases the engine
is going to start easily unless it has been sitting for 3-4 days.