Engine Manual Talon 190 and Lite 125 Ver .99b
pg. 16
propeller until the rest of the bolts are tightened. Any time you have a torque pattern you want to run
through the pattern until all the bolts do not move when using the torque wrench. You should only
hear one click from the torque wrench when the bolt has reached the correct torque setting. Do not
over-tighten the bolt, this can be done by apply more force to the torque wrench after you hear the
click, and the wrench may click multiple times to let you know you are applying to much force.
Cylinder Head Bolts
The Engine Cylinder Head Nut should be checked often to assure they are at the proper tightness.
When these nuts become lose you will lose engine compression, and you will begin to see oil leaks
around the cylinder. These nuts should only be tightened when the engine is cold to ensure you are
setting them at the proper torque settings. The best time to check the Engine Head Nuts is in the
morning before you do any flights, and the engine has been off for at least 8hrs. This will assure your
engine is at room temperature. Do not attempt to adjust or tighten the cylinder head nuts after a flight,
this will cause you to over-tighten the nuts due to the elevated temperature of the engine. Depending
on the engine you are working on they use different torque settings:
125 Lite = 120 In/lbs on a 13mm nut
Talon 190 = 180 In/lns on a 13mm nut
Titan 210 = 180 In/lns on a 13mm nut
Airmax 220 = 180 In/lns on a 13mm nut
Just like the propeller bolts you want to use a cross pattern when checking the tightness of the nuts on
the head cylinder. Start with nut 1 and work you way through to nut 4. This will assure they are evenly
tightened across the cylinder head. Use the picture below as a guide to tighten the cylinder head nuts.
Just like the propeller bolts, you want to make sure you are using Inch / Pounds and not Foot / Pounds
on the torque wrench when adjusting the nuts, and you want to make sure you run through the cross
pattern until there is no movement from the wrench when testing the torque of the nut.