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Chapter 11: Syslog Messages
11. Syslog Messages
The A/B Switch can be configured to issue a syslog message rather than an SNMP trap when certain events occur. To configure
the A/B Switch to issue syslog messages, you must use the “SET ALERTTYPE” command to select SYSLOG messages, and you
need to specify the IP address(es) of the device(s) that will be receiving the syslog messages by using the “SET MANAGER N
X.X.X.X” command (see Section 7 for details regarding these commands). Once these configuration changes have been made,
the A/B Switch will issue syslog messages for the following types of events:
• power up cold start, or restart using the RESET command
• SNMP authentication failure (access attempted using incorrect read or write community name)
• switching action caused by a user initiated command, front panel push button action, or remote dry contact closure
• auto switch or auto recovery switch functions
The syslog messages issued by the A/B Switch conform where possible to the general recommendations as described in rfc3164.
There is no real time clock within the A/B Switch however, so each syslog message uses a default timestamp value of Jan 1
00:00:00. The device receiving the syslog messages will need to apply a timestamp or other identifier if this information is
needed. The general format for each syslog message from the A/B Switch is as follows:
Jan 1 00:00:00 [IP address] Bypass Switch: [specific message based on the event that occurred]
Listed below is each type of syslog message that the A/B Switch can issue, followed by the actual syslog message that the A/B
Switch will send.
Syslog Messages
power up cold start (or RESET command)
Jan 1 00:00:00 Bypass Switch: Switch has been reset.
SNMP authentication failure
Jan 1 00:00:00 Bypass Switch: SNMP authentication failure.
system switch A to B via S S B command (or toggle switch)
Jan 1 00:00:00 Bypass Switch: System switch from A to B position.
system switch B to A via S S A command (or toggle switch)
Jan 1 00:00:00 Bypass Switch: System switch from B to A position.
auto switch B to A via auto bypass feature
Jan 1 00:00:00 Bypass Switch: Automatic switch from B to A position.
auto switch A to B via auto recovery feature
Jan 1 00:00:00 Bypass Switch: Automatic switch from A to B position.