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Appendix B: Installing the Video Capture Cards
Cable Settings
When using the VCC-DP-2, a cable settings function becomes available in the Input Settings of the software appli-
cation. DisplayPort sources often train the cable link at the maximum available bit rate, even if it is not needed for
the required display resolution. Some longer cables may be unable to train reliably at these higher bit rates. The
Cable Settings drop-down menu allows the user to select a lower maximum bit rate to ensure a stable link.
Figure B-36. Cable Settings screen.
B.5.6 Installing Multiple Cards
You can install multiple cards in a system, providing a large number capture channels. Combinations of Radian
Video Wall Processor capture cards in the same machine are supported by the Radian Video Wall Processor driver.
To control the order in which the driver uses the cards, we recommend when installing multiple cards that you
configure the J5 links on the VCC-DP-2. The example below shows the jumper link settings for up to 32 cards in a
single system. When two cards share the same link settings, their order is determined by the PCIe bus.