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Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
This Quick Start guide will enable you to promptly establish basic connectivity between a pair of MDR100A-R5 or MDR112A-R5
modems in a point-to-point configuration.
What’s Included
• (2) MDR100A-R5 or MDR112A-R5 Radios with power adapters and Rubber Ducky Antennas
Additional Items You Will Need
• (2) PCs with HyperTerminal (or equivalent) and (1) COM port each, or
• (1) PC with HyperTerminal and (2) COM ports.
• (2) straight-through serial cables (9-pin M to 9-pin F).
Setup Procedure
Open HyperTerminal and configure it as 9600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no handshaking, then open the “connection”
(at bottom left of HyperTerminal window, the word “Connected” should appear).
Plug the included power adapter (8-30-VDC) into a wall outlet and press the CFG/CONFIG button on the front of the
MDR100A-R5 or MDR112A-R5.
The HyperTerminal window should show the response “NO CARRIER OK.”
At this point, both MDR100A-R5 or MDR112A-R5 radios are in COMMAND MODE. To configure one module as the Master, type
AT&F6 [Enter], then type AT&WA [Enter]. This module’s TX LED (red) should light. To configure the other module as the Slave,
type AT&F7 [Enter], then type AT&WA [Enter]. This module’s RX and 3 RSSI LEDs will light.
The radio is now connected. If you enter text in one PC’s HyperTerminal window, it will appear in the other’s window and vice