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Chapter 4: Network Topologies
Figure 4-1. &F6 Master Configuration View.
The screen captures on this page clearly show that most of the registers in both the Master and the Slave have the same values.
(S105 is not visible in the Master view: its value is, and must be, 1.)
The differences are S101 (Operating Mode), S105 (Unit Address), and S140 (Destination Address).
The Master’s destination (S140) is 2 (the Unit Address (S105) of the Slave); the Slave’s destination is the Master.
Figure 4-2. &F7 Slave Configuration View.
“Network Type” (S133) is set to 1 for PTP operation.
NOTE: The Master has a register “S141 - Repeaters Y/N” and the Slave does not. This register informs the Master that there are
one or more Repeaters in this network. The factory defaults assume “no” and assign a value of 0. If you plan to install a
Repeater, and maintain all the Master and Slave defaults, follow the procedure on the next page for how to configure a
Repeater into this fixed (non-mobile) PTP network.