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Chapter 5: Configuration
5. Configuration
5.1 AT Commands
Appendix B is a quick reference for the available AT commands; in this sub-section are details regarding the most commonly used.
To invoke an AT command, enter Command Mode, then type AT <command> [Enter].
Table 5-1. AT commands.
y < command
command name > x
When tasks are done with the modem in Command Mode, invoking
this command will place the modem back “online” (into Data Mode).
Dxxxxx, DTxxxxx,
Identical commands that change the modem’s unit address to xxxxx
and then put the modem into Data Mode.
g, G
Spectrum Analyzer
This is a very useful feature of the MDR100A-R5 or MDR112A-R5. ATg
or ATG will provide a display of signal levels received within the
operating environment and frequency range of the modem under test.
ATg averages 256 samples; ATG 16,000.
Invoking the ATg command causes the MDR100A-R5 or MDR112A-R5
to sweep the operating band and provide a display of both the mean
and peak signal levels, in dBm, found on each channel.
The “graphical” display is limited from –110dBm to –53dBm, and is in
1-dB increments. Ignore the leftmost asterisk in calculations (as below).
How to interpret the display (example):
ch 78 -137dBm * No signal was measured on channel 78.
ch 80 -105dBm ******... Mean signal level: -(110-5 (asterisks)) = -105
... Peak signal level: -(110-5 (asterisks) -3 (dots)) = -102 dBm
For the MDR100A-R5 or MDR112A-R5, Channel 1 is at 902.4 MHz,
with subsequent channels in 280 kHz increments. To calculate the
frequency of channel n: Freq channel n = 902.4+ ([n-1] x 0.280) MHz.
Also displayed is the average received signal strength for 5 channels
above the ISM bands. This area of the spectrum is used by paging
The I command returns information about the MDR100A-R5 or
1 Product Code
2 Issue ROM Check (OK or ERROR)
3 Product Identification (Firmware Version)
4 Firmware Date
5 Firmware Copyright
6 Firmware Time
7 Serial Number
255 Factory-Configured Options listing
NOTE: If you changed the modem’s configuration and you want to save those changes to non-volatile memory, use the AT
command “&W” before placing the modem online.