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Chapter 5: Configuration
This page shows the Access Control List (ACL), which is made up of the ACEs defined on this switch. Each row describes the ACE
that is defined. The maximum number of ACEs is 256 on each switch. Click on the lowest plus sign to add a new ACE to the list.
The reserved ACEs used for internal protocol, cannot be edited or deleted, the order sequence cannot be changed an the priority
is highest.
Web Interface
To configure Access Control List in the web interface:
1. Click Configuration, ACL, then Configuration.
2. Click the button to add a new ACL, or use the other ACL modification buttons to specify the editing action (i.e., edit, delete, or
moving the relative position of entry in the list).
3. To specific the parameter of the ACE.
4. Click on Apply to save the setting.
5. To cancel the setting, click the reset button. It will revert to previously saved values.
6. When editing an entry on the ACE Configuration page, note that the Items displayed depend on various selections, such as
Frame Type and IP Protocol Type. Specify the relevant criteria to be matched for this rule, and set the actions to take when a
rule is matched (such as Rate Limiter, Port Copy, Logging, and Shutdown).
Figure 5-9. The ACL Rate Limiter Configuration screens.
Parameter description:
• Ingress Port: Select the ingress port for which this ACE applies.
All: The ACE applies to all port.
Port n: The ACE applies to this port number, where n is the number of the switch port.