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Chapter 4: System
• Contact: To easily manage and maintain your device, you can configure this parameter through the device’s user interface or
• Device name: The name of the switch. User-defined.
• System Date: Show the system time of the switch. Its format is day of week, month, day, hours : minutes : seconds, year.
• System up time: The time accumulated since this switch was powered on. Its format is day, hour, minute, second.
• BIOS version: The version of the BIOS in this switch.
• Firmware version: The firmware version of this switch.
• Hardware-Mechanical version: The figure before the hyphen is the electronic hardware version; the one after the hyphen is the
mechanical version.
• Serial number: The serial number is assigned by the manufacturer.
• Host IP address: The IP address of the switch.
• Host MAC address: The Ethernet MAC address of the management agent in this switch.
• Subnet Mask: Displays the IP subnet mask assigned to the device.
• Gateway IP Address: Displays the default gateway IP address assigned to the device.
• Host MAC Address: Displays the Ethernet MAC address assigned to the device.
• Console Baud rate: Displays the baud rate of RS-232(COM) port.
• RAM Size: Displays the RAM size of the system.
• Flash Size: Displays the flash size of the system.
• Bridge FDB Size: Displays the bridge forwarding database size of the device.
• Transmit Queue: Displays the information about the switch’s transmit priority queue.
• Maximum Frame Size: Displays the information about switch supported maximum frame size.
4.1.2 Configuration
You can identify the system by configuring the contact information, name, and location of the switch.
Web interface
To configure System Information in the Web interface:
1. Click System, System Information, Configuration.
2. Write System Contact, System Name, System Location information in this page.
3. Click Apply.
Figure 4-2. System Information configuration.