6. The last saved Autotest name is displayed
in the Circuit ID field with the cursor on
the last character. Modify the Circuit ID.
CertiFiber allows entering of up to 10
alphabetic and special characters.
7. Press F1 (OK) when the Circuit ID is
modified or a new Circuit ID is entered.
8. The Save Circuit ID screen for the other
Fiber is now displayed.
9. Edit the Circuit ID and press F1 (OK).
If you choose a bidirectional test, the data for both
directions is automatically stored in the Autotest test
record for that fiber.
4.2.3 V
Once the Autotest has been saved, CertiFiber
returns to the Autotest Result screen. F2 (View)
is available.
The arrow on the titlebar shows whether the
fiber was tested one way or bidirectional. For a
one way test, the arrow has one pointer; for a
bidirectional test, the arrow has two pointers.
1. Press F2 (View).
The overall test result is
displayed right below the
The Autotest name that
was specified in Setup as
the test to run is shown.
The worst case difference
between the PASS/FAIL
CHAPTER 4: Operation: Automatic Measurements