3.4 Owner’s Name
You can also change the owner
and company names that
appear on the logo screen of
the CertiFiber and on printed
reports. To do so, take these
1. To display the Owner
Name setup screen, use
the down-arrow key to
scroll to Owner Name in
the Setup screen and
press Enter or F1 (Select).
2. Use the up- or down-arrow key to
highlight the Company Name.
3. With the Company Name highlighted,
press F2 (Edit).
4. The Edit screen will appear with the
cursor in the Company Name field.
Follow the directions in
Section 2.8
edit this field as desired.
5. Now highlight the Operator Name and
press F2 (Edit).
6. The Edit screen will appear again, this
time with the cursor in the Operator
Name field. Follow the directions in
Section 2.8
to edit this field as desired.
7. Press F1 (Save) to save the names and
return to the Setup screen.
CHAPTER 3: Configuration
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