Subject to change without notice
In case of disregard of the safety warnings contained in this
manual, B&K refuses any liability regarding personal injury
and/or damage of equipment.
The oscilloscope is supplied with a serial interface for control
purposes. The interface connector (9 pole D- SUB female) is
located on the rear of the instrument. Via this bi-directional
port, the instrument parameter settings and (in storage mode)
signal data, can be transmitted to, or received from a PC.
The maximum connecting cable length must not exceed 3
meters and must contain 9 lines connected 1:1. The pin
connection of the RS232 interface (9 pole D-SUB female) is
determined as follows:
Tx data (data from oscilloscope to external device)
Rx data (data from external device to oscilloscope)
(clear to send)
RTS (request to send)
Ground (reference potential - connected via the
oscilloscope’s power cord with protective earth)
+5V supply voltage for external devices (max. 400mA)
The maximum voltage swing at pin 2, 3, 7 and 8 is ± 12 volt.
The RS232 parameter are:
(no parity bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits,
RTS/CTS hardware protocol).
Baud-Rate Setting
After the first POWER UP (switching on of the oscilloscope )
and the first command SPACE CR (20hex, 0Dhex) sent from
the PC, the baud rate is recognized and set automatically
between 110 baud and 19200 baud. The oscilloscope is then
switched over to REMOTE control mode. The oscilloscope
RS232 Interface - Remote Control
then transmits the RETURNCODE: 0 CR LF to the PC. In this
status all settings (with the exception of those functions
mentioned under “Controls and Readout”) can be controlled
via the interface only.
The only ways to quit this status are:
• Switching the oscilloscope off,
transmitting the command
• RM= 0 from the PC to the oscilloscope, or
• depressing the AUTO SET ( LOCAL ) pushbutton,
if in unlocked condition (command LK=1... was not sent)
After the remote state has been switched off the
is dark.
Please note:
A minimum time must elapse between the com-
mands RM=1... (remote on) and RM=0... (remote off)
and vice versa.
The time can be calculated with the formula:
= 2x(1/baud rate) + 60µs
If at the beginning no SPACE CR command is recognizable,
the oscilloscope pulls the TxD line low for approx. 0.2ms and
causes a break on the PC.
Data Communication
After successfully being set to remote control mode, the
oscilloscope is prepared for command reception.
Disks with programming examples, a list of the instrument
commands and the program SP107 (WINDOWS 3.x, 95 and
NT 4.0) is supplied with the oscilloscope.
Front control 5105A
BK Precision