[email protected]
+372 880 78 78
Figure 9 - PGN which transmits fuel consumption information
But we do not know the address of the module broadcasting this
message and the priority of this message. In order to determine them, it
is necessary to conduct a full scan of the vehicle's CAN-bus. An example
of the result of one of these scans is presented in Fig. 10.
Figure 10 – CAN-bus scanning result
Thus, it was established that the full message (PGN) has the form
18FEE900 and, having all the necessary information, you can configure
the tracker to receive data from this PGN.
To configure this variable on CAN1 CAN sensor (ID_Send 90), you
need to send the following commands to the device:
Setting the CAN bus speed that corresponds to the vehicle bus
speed (e.g. 500 kBit / s):
setparam 5038 500;
Activation of the transfer to the server of the I/O element CAN1,
ID_Send 90:
setparam 3600 1;
setparam 3604 3;
Variable setting:
setparam 7002 18FEE900; - PGN
setparam 7003 32; - start bit of data message
setparam 7004 32; - data message length
setparam 7005 5; - timeout of data reset in seconds