Getting Started
In order to utilize the Parallel Walled Navigator
clinicians will need to purchase CT planning software from
one of the planning software companies and have access
to a CT scanning facility. Training on how to use the CT
planning software chosen is essential for all clinicians and
technicians involved in case treatment-planning. In addition,
laboratory technicians will need to obtain the Parallel
Walled Navigator System Laboratory Kit to fabricate
the preoperative master cast and clinicians will need to
obtain the Parallel Walled Navigator System Surgical Kit to
place the implants. The complete system overview that
describes each instrument and component included in the
kits and their associated use begins on page 5.
Prior to sending the patient to the CT scanning facility,
a radiopaque scanning appliance may be fabricated to
show the desired tooth position of the restoration when
seated in the mouth during the CT scan. Pages 13-17 in
this manual are designed to guide surgeons, restorative
clinicians and laboratory technicians through the process of
fabricating a scanning appliance from an existing denture, a
newly fabricated denture or a diagnostic wax up.
A page with tips from clinicians who evaluated the
system prior to market release is also included in this
manual on pages 10-11. These tips will help to ensure
a smooth process from CT scan to the day of surgery
and provisional delivery when using the system and may
reduce the learning curve associated with use of the
Parallel Walled Navigator System For
Guided Surgery.
Open Architecture System
The Parallel Walled Navigator System is designed to allow
clinicians to place and provisionalize BIOMET
Implants using a variety of compatible CT planning software
and surgical guides. The system is open architecture to be
compatible with the current software and surgical guide
providers listed below.
Materialise Dental, Inc.
810-X Cromwell Park Drive
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
United States
(443) 557-0121
Materialise Dental, NV
Technologielaan 15
3001 Leuven
+32 16 39 66 20
iDent – US
2652 NW 31st Ave
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311
United States
(954) 495-8684
iDent – Israel
4 Yohanan Street
Box 6402
Hod Hasharon 45241
SICAT Gmbh + Co. KG
Brunnenallee 6
D-53177 Bonn