Surgical Plan Overview
Tooth number/
Implant position
Indicates 4mm diameter
Tissue Punch
Indicates drill diameter 2, length
(B) to be used with
Handle 3
Indicates 4mm diameter
Bone Tap
Indicates 3mm hand
held Bone Profiler
Indicates 4mm Analog Mount with a
(1) depth
Indicates 4mm Implant Mount
with a (3) depth
Indicates 4mm diameter
Starter Drill
Specifies preparation depth for Tissue
Punch, Starter Drill and Bone Taps with a
depth of (2)*
The surgical plan specifies the depth line for instruments
that pass directly through the surgical guide Master Tubes
including the Tissue Punch, Starter Drill and Bone Taps.
These instruments have landmarks referenced as (1), (2),
(3) and (4) that indicate the proper depth to which these
instruments should be used through the Master Tubes
(Figure 1). There are three lines on each instrument; the
first line represents depth line (1), while the top of the
instrument represents depth line (4). The instruments
pass through the Master Tube until the center of the
specified line on the instrument reaches the top of the
Master Tube (Figure 2).
The depth lines also determine what Implant Mount and
Implant Analog Mount must be used. These are labeled
by diameter and length. Therefore a 4mm implant that
has a 3mm depth line will be specified as a 4(3).
Figure 1
Figure 2
The Parallel Walled Navigator
System For Guided
Surgery works in conjunction with the surgical plan,
which is provided by the CT planning software
company. Each surgical plan is case-specific to provide
direction regarding the instrumentation that will be used
for each implant site.