The BG-Counter 2 is an electronic device that counts mos-
quitoes as they fly through and wirelessly transmits the data
to a cloud server. Differentiation of mosquitoes from smaller
or larger insects, and from other objects such as dust or rain
particles, is based on size and wing beat. Mosquitoes, small
Diptera such as chironomid midges and fungus gnats, and
other insects with a similar size cannot be reliably differen
tiated. Therefore, to improve classification accuracy, the BG-
Counter 2 utilizes carbon dioxide (CO
) to attract only blood
sucking insects. By using CO
as an attractant the accuracy
of correctly counted mosquitoes is in the range of 80-90 %.
Accuracy may vary from location to location and should be
verified from time to time (see accuracy of counts).
We recommend to use the BG-Counter 2 in combination with
BG-Counter 2 Description and Set-Up
a BG-Trap Station and a BG-Pro trap. The trap removes the
insects after they are counted, avoiding multiple counts of
the same insect. To ensure accurate counts, collected mos-
quitoes must not escape from the trap.
Equipped with basic sensors, the BG-Counter 2 also samples
local environmental data such as temperature, humidity
and light. The system is supported by the BG-Counter App,
a web application for storage of mosquito counts as well as
geospatial and environmental data. Via the BG-Counter App
you can remotely switch the trap and the BG-Counter 2 on
and off. It also allows you to set up varying time schedules to
run the trap and control the application times of CO
. The app
includes an analyzer tool that allows you to vizualize graphs,
maps and tables of your monitoring data. You can analyze
daily, weekly, or monthly trends of single or multiple traps.
The BG-Counter 2 is the next generation version of the BG-
Counter. It offers the following improvements over the pre
vious model:
1. Internal antenna
Not affected by eventual sunset of 3G network
3. Improved protection against corrosion and environmen-
tal influences
BG-Counter 2
Better insect classification accuracy through improved
5. 4G Cellular Communication Module, works on the LTE
cellular network
6. The BG-Counter 2 comes with a BG-Pro trap (counter ver-
sion with 12 V fan).