Trap counts, environmental data, and other parameters like CO
schedule are stored by location. Traps can be assigned to lo-
cations manually, or automatically using transmitted GPS coordinates.
Data storage based on Location
When Geolocation is set to “Auto”
(= default setting), the lo-
cation will be automatically determined via geofencing:
When a trap is within the geofence radius (100 m) of an
existing location, it will automatically assign itself to that
Otherwise, a new location will be created automatically
with a default name that includes the IMEI.
When Geolocation is set to “Fixed”,
the trap data will be assi-
gned to a selected location independent of transmitted GPS
You can edit a location at any time in the Trap Info table of
the “Settings: Single Locations” page (see p. 20 for details).
Examples: What does data storage based on location mean for you
These examples are also explained in the video linked on page 39.
Example 1: You have several traps, but you use them only
during a part of the year.
At the start of the new season, when you put the traps back
to the field at already existing locations, set geolocation
to auto and the traps will automatically assign themselves
to their locations. You don’t need to make sure that a BG-
Counter 2 unit with a certain IMEI is placed again at the same
location, to have a continuation of historical data.
Example 2: You have more locations than traps and rotate
the traps between them.
The collected data will be automatically stored for the lo-
cation the trap is currently at. Instead of having all the data
stored for one IMEI, it is stored for as many locations as the
trap was used at.
Example 3: A BG-Counter 2 is defective and replaced. The
new BG-Counter 2 is placed at the same location.
The data of the two BG-Counter 2 units (e.g., 2 IMEIs) will be
stored for the same location and you will have continuation
of your historical data for that location.
Example 4: You need to place two traps within 100 m.
This is also possible, but we recommend creating the loca-
tions manually in this case: Click on the “New Location” but-
ton above the Location Table of the dashboard. Use Satellite
View to determine the exact position on the map and use the
right mouse button to set the Location pin on the map. In the
“Trap Management” table (main menu: “Traps”), set Geoloca-
tion to Fixed and select the location for each trap from the
drop-down list of the “Current Location” column.