The BG-Counter App is a multifunctional tool that allows you
to manage your BG-Counter/s. You can for example remotely
switch traps in the field on and off and set up varying time
schedules for the traps and application times of CO
. There
are dashboard notification icons, when one of your traps has
an issue, such as for example connection problems, ventila-
tor fail, or low CO
level. Furthermore, you have access to all
collected mosquito count data, and local environmental data
such as temperature, humidity, or ambient light. The web
app includes an analyzer tool that you can use for explora-
tory analysis of the catch count data of single or multiple
traps. You can for example compare the mean catch rates of
different neighborhoods, or simply visualize the mosquito
catches of a single trap on different time ranges and for dif
ferent temporal aggregations (e.g., 15 min, 1 day, 1 week or
1 month).
The address of the BG-Counter web app is:
» https://bg-counter.biogents.com/app
The BG-Counter App is optimized for usage on a screen with
a diameter of at least 13 inches. We therefore recommend
using a laptop or desktop computer.
Windows PC with Windows 10
Browser: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Internet Explorer
is not supported.
Macintosh with macOS X 12 or later
Browser: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
Go to
» https://bg-counter.biogents.com/registration/
The “New Customer Registration” page has the fields speci
fied below that you should fill in. The fields marked with an
asterisk are mandatory to fill, while the others are optional.
Personal Information*
Mailing Address
Technical Contact
Billing Contact
After clicking the “Confirm” button, a new account is crea
ted. You will receive a confirmation e-mail (please have also
a look for the e-mail in your spam folder). Follow the e-mail
verification link. After verifying your e-mail and setting a
password, you can access your account at:
» https://bg-counter.biogents.com/app
Go to “
” and click on the blue “
New Trap
” button in the
top right corner of the screen. Enter one or multiple IMEIs
(comma separated) in the field. Click the blue “Assign” button
to register your BG-Counter(s). You find the IMEI on a sticker
at the side of the BG-Counter 2, on a sticker on the regist-
ration flyer in the BG-Counter 2 box, and at the side of the
BG-Counter 2 box.
Description of the BG-Counter App
System Requirements
Registration: New Customer
Registration: New Trap