Biodom 27 d. o. o.
T: +386 8 205 10 86
OIC Hrpelje 4 a, 6240 Kozina
F: +386 5 662 67 57
BIODOM 27 d.o.o. (hereinafter called Biodom 27) heating devices (hereinafter called »furnaces«) are made and
tested in accordance with safety precautions and applicable regulations of the EU.
The instructions are meant for users, installers, operators and maintainers of the furnace, presented on the
title page of the instruction manual.
If you happen to have problems with sections in the instructions, please contact the furnace manufacturer or
an authorised repair centre. Always remember to indicate the paragraph number or item chapter that are
related to your problem.
Whole (or even partial) printing, translation and reproduction of the instructions can be exercised only with the
consent of the Biodom 27 Company. The indicated actions must therefore be authorised by the Biodom 27
Company. It is prohibited to distribute technical information, photos and specifications to a third party.
The flame, which is a result of proper wood combustion, emits the same quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) as
the natural wood degradation does.
The quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) resulting from combustion and biomass degradation corresponds to the
quantity of carbon dioxide that the biomass can acquire from the environment and degrade it into oxygen for
the atmosphere and carbon for plant life.
The combustion of non-renewable fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) releases copious amounts of carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere and contributes to the greenhouse effect, unlike wood combustion. Wood is a highly
sustainable form of fuel; using wood as fuel is therefore perfectly fine in terms of environmental effects.
Using the principle of clean combustion, the previously mentioned goals are easily attainable. Consequently,
the products of Biodom 27 Company are based on this sound principle.
What does clean combustion mean and how it works?
Primary air regulation and control as well as secondary air cause secondary combustion, after burn. The
secondary combustion creates a secondary flame, which is lighter and stronger in comparison with the primary
flame. The addition of new oxygen (with added air) allows further combustion of gases that did not burn up
completely. This substantially increases the heat effect and lowers harmful carbon dioxide emission (CO2), due
to complete restriction of imperfect combustion. These are the quintessential characteristics of BIODOM
furnaces and products.