PVC PC Software
The instrument is supplied with the PVC software program (supplied with its own devoted operating manual)
on the accompanying USB flash drive. The instrument can be connected to a PC onto which the PVC
software has been installed, via a USB A to USB B cable or the factory fit Bluetooth accessory. This enables
the operator to “print through” the PC directly to the printer that is connected to it. The data may also be
stored as a comma-separated value (.csv), enhanced meta file (.emf), Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx, .xls), rich
text format (.rtf), tab-separated value (.tsv) or in a native PVC format file.
Biochrom Resolution PC Software
When connected to a PC the spectrophotometers can be controlled using the Biochrom Resolution PC
software packages. Operation using Biochrom Resolution PC software is described in the Resolution user
manual or Resolution help file.
Instrument Data Output
A printer accessory is available for the instrument. This may either be supplied preinstalled or as an
optional accessory for end-user installation.
Measurement data can also be exported to a USB flash drive via the USB A socket on the side of the
instrument, as either a tab-separated value (.tsv) or native PVC format file.
Performing a Measurement
The optical height (z value) of the instrument is 15 mm. The light path is directed from RIGHT to LEFT through
the cell chamber.
The cell holder supplied with the instrument accepts standard quartz, glass or plastic cuvettes with pathlengths
up to 40 mm. When using a cuvette with a pathlength less than 40 mm ensure the cell is inserted to the far
right of the cell holder. Cuvettes with a pathlength of less than 10 mm should be secured using an appropriate
packing piece.
12 mm test tubes may be used (for cell cultures for example), however they are not recommended as higher
quality data is produced by using disposable cuvettes. If used, align the indicator line on 12 mm test tubes in
the same direction to ensure reproducible positioning of the tube.
Please consult the “User Interface” section of this user manual for more detail on taking a measurement using
the spectrophotometer. In summary, how to perform a measurement is outline below.
1. Open the desired application on the spectrophotometer.
2. Insert a cuvette containing the reference sample into the cuvette holder.
3. Take a reference measurement using the reference key; the acquired reference baseline is applied to
any subsequent sample measurements until a new reference baseline is taken, or the application is closed.
4. When the reference is complete, remove the reference sample containing cuvette from the cuvette holder,
and replace it with a test sample containing cuvette then take a sample measurement using the confirm key.
5. Repeat step 4 until all the sample data has been collected (see the “Saving and Printing” section for
post measurement options).