Biochrom Anthos Fluido-2 Microplate Washer v2.0
Page 75
3 Place the instrument in to a large plastic bag.
4. Place a wad of cotton wool that has been soaked in the disinfection
solution in to the plastic bag.
Note: Ensure that the wad is not touching the instrument.
5. Close and seal the plastic bag.
6. Leave the instrument to stand in the plastic bag for at least 24 hours.
7. After the standing time, remove the instrument from the plastic bag
and wipe all the outside surfaces of the instrument and the plate
support area with a wad of cotton wool which has been soaked in a
50% Alcohol solution.
8. Repeat the disinfection procedure on any accessories which are also
being moved or returned.
The pumps can be disinfected by dispensing and aspirating a sufficient
amount of disinfectant fluid. After the disinfection procedure dispense >
200 ml of distilled water to remove all disinfectant fluid from the liquid
carrying parts.