Binsfeld Engineering Inc. | 231-334-4383
869500-9_G Pg. 5
Located on the RX10K rear panel is the On/Off Power switch, a
jack for 12VDC Power Input, a Fuse housing, a connector for
attaching the Receiver Antenna, binding posts for the analog
Voltage Output, and a Com (DB9) connector for the digital data
signal. The analog Voltage Output signal has a nominal range of
±10VDC and a maximum range of ±12VDC. The digital data
signal is an RS-
232 type signal for input to a PC “Com” port. See
Appendix A for the pin out and protocol.
Figure 2: Rear panel of the RX10K
CAUTION: The Power Input, Voltage Output and Com (digital
output) share a common (or ground) connection. Specifically, the
outside ring of the Power Input, the “-“ jack of the Voltage Output
and pin 5 of the Com output are all internally connected.
Care must be taken in connecting the RX10K to external
components in order to eliminate ground loop problems. Such
ground loop currents can cause errors in the output signals and
possible internal damage.
The included power supply is electrically isolated and will eliminate
any ground loop problems with the Power Input. It is
recommended that the Com (digital output) and Analog Output are
not connected to external equipment at the same time. An
exception to this rule exists when one of the two external devices
accepting the analog or digital outp
ut signal is “floating” or not
externally connected, such as battery operated voltmeter or a
laptop powered by batteries.
1 Amp
Binsfeld Engineering Inc. Maple City, MI USA
(+1) 231-334-4383 www.binsfeld.com
Tested to Comply
With FCC Standards