Binsfeld Engineering Inc. | 231-334-4383
869500-9_G Pg. 29
Appendix B: Calibration Calculations
The equations in this Appendix define the relationship between the
input signal to the TX10K-S Transmitter (typically from a strain
gage) and the Full Scale output voltage of the TorqueTrak 10K
System. The calculations are based on parameters of the device
being measured (e.g. shaft diameter), sensor parameters (e.g.
gage factor) and Transmitter Gain setting.
Section B1 is specific to torque measurements on round shafts
(full bridge, 4 active arms).
Section B2 applies to axial strain (tension/compression)
measurements on round shafts (full bridge, 2.6 active arms).
Section B3 is for use with a single grid (1/4 bridge).
1 µe is distortion of the shaft surface 1 x 10
in/in. For more
technical information regarding the relationship between shear
strain and torque, see the excellent technical article TN-512
published by Vishay. The webpage for this document appears