Binsfeld Engineering Inc. | 231-334-4383
869500-9_G Pg. 20
Bench Testing
1. Connect Receiver Antenna to
connector on the rear
panel of the RX10K Receiver. Position magnetic-mount
antenna with element installed near the TX10K-S.
2. Insert connector on AC/DC adapter into
Power Input
jack on
the RX10K rear panel. Plug adapter into appropriate AC
power source (i.e., wall socket). Flip the RX10K power switch
while holding down the
▲ key.
NOTE: This resets the factory default parameter settings.
Values reported in this section may be different if default
values are not reset.
3. Attach 9V Battery Connector to TX10K-S Transmitter (red to
, black to
). Attach BS900 Bridge Simulator to the
TX10K-S terminals
- E
- S
to coincide with pins on
BS900. Clip 9V battery to connector.
4. Slowly scroll through each RX10K channel until it matches
TX10K-S channel setting (top line will quit flashing and bottom
line will show the RF signal strength). Change both units to
desired channel and verify adequate signal strength. (To
configure TX10K-S settings, use the RM10K Remote Control.)
5. Scroll RX10K display to Gain parameter screen. Use the
RM10K to configure the Transmitter Gain to 4000 (“Gain
T:04000 S:04000”).
6. Scroll RX10K display to Input AutoZero parameter screen.
Apply AutoZero with BS900 in center or zero (
) position.
Press and hold
▲ key for 2 seconds until bottom line
reads “Input AutoZero: On”.
7. Switch BS900 to the positive (
) position. RX10K output
should be close to +2V (“+02000”) and the bar graph indicator
should move one segment to the right of zero (“0”).
8. Switch BS900 to the negative (
) position. RX10K output
should be close to -
2V (“-02000”) and the bar graph indicator
should move one segment to the left of zero (“0”).
NOTE: The BS900 Bridge Simulator is not a calibrated
reference. Its purpose is to provide a full bridge circuit to the
TX10K-S to verify functionality and assist in troubleshooting.