Device Configuration /
Access Management
BiPAC 6300VNP User Manual
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol used for exchanging management
information between network devices. SNMP is a member of the TCP/IP protocol suite. BiPAC
6300VNP serves as a SNMP agent which allows a manager station to manage and monitor the router
through the network.
Select to enable SNMP feature.
Get Community:
Type the Get Community, which is the password for the incoming Get-and-GetNext
requests from the management station.
Set Community:
Type the Set Community, which is the password for incoming Set requests from the
management station.
Trap Manager IP:
Enter the IP of the server receiving the trap message (when some exception occurs)
sent by this SNMP agent.
Enable to activate the SNMPv3.
User Name:
Enter the name allowed to access the SNMP agent.
Access Permissions:
Set the access permissions for the user; RO--read only and RW--read and
Authentication Protocol:
Select the authentication protocol, MD5 and SHA. SNMP agent can
communicate with the manager station through authentication and encryption to secure the message
exchange. Set the authentication and encryption information here and below.
Authentication Key:
Set the authentication key, 8-31 characters.
Privacy Protocol:
Select the privacy mode, DES and AES.
Privacy Key:
Set the privacy key, 8-31 characters.