Device Configuration /
BiPAC 6300VNP User Manual
Speed Dial
Speed Dial comes at hand to store frequently used telephone number(s) that you can press set ‘speed
dial number’ instead of the exact dialing-out number on the phone keyboard to make a quick dialing.
The index to mark the speed dial number mapping, 0-9.
Select Phone 1 or Phone 2 to have your set speed dial number applied to the phone. If phone
1 is selected, your set speed dial number is about to be applied to phone 1.
Speed Dial Number:
Set an easily remembered and simple number to replace the Phone number, it
can be a sequence in varying length from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 *. #, but note * or # must be
included in the sequence.
Phone Number:
The complete destination number
Example: Save phone number 83455301 to the speed dial list.