800-777-0258 • +1-541-687-0487
Assembling your Haul-a-Day
Install Front Wheel QR
Open the front brake release,
then position the front wheel
making certain that the wheel
axle is fully seated in the front
Now install the quick release
from the fork spreader on the
front wheel. Make certain that
there is one spring per side of
the hub axle and that the small
end of the spring is pointing
toward the center of the hub.
Loosely thread on the knurled
nut for now.
Fig. 12 Front Wheel QR.
Mechanic’s Tip: If you are ever unsure of the proper
direction of the front tire, looking down at the tire,
the tread should be oriented so that it is pointing for-
ward. Often the tread is in a arrow-ish pattern and this
makes it easy to point it in the forward direction. The
quick release levers, front and back are to be placed on
the non-drive side of the bicycle.
The Haul-a-Day comes with either linear pull /
V-brakes or disc brakes, please see the following
sections that are most appropriate for the brake type
you have.