Access to the board (for actuator address setting and end of line resistor set-up) :
Open the button plate for weatherproof model and open electronic box for Explosionproof model.
Warning : Explosionproof versions
Please refer to the specific instructions ref. TMS1132 relative to the explosionproof actuators prior
to opening the cover.
INTEGRALBUS board is only acting as a Profibus slave.
The default address setting is 02.
Modification of the address can be done by setting two rotating switches located on the INTEGRALBUS.
Board slave address
Set the rotating switches in order to give a different address for each single slave of the Profibus line.
Address can be chosen in the 01 to 99 bracket.
Note : once an address has been changed, it is mandatory to switch off and on the actuator to validate
the modification.
For the redundant versions, the same address has to be set normally on the two boards.
Board status Led :
L1 :
Green = board is power supplied
L2 :
= «no communication» error
L3 :
Green = communication Ok
End of line resistors
A resistor has to be installed at each end of line (may it be the main line or a bus ramification).
To ease user’s job, theses resistors are built in the INTEGRALBUS board.
To set the resistor of the latest actuator of the Profibus line, the end of line selection switch has to
be set to the «on» position.
In case of a redundant version, both switches have to set to the «on» position.
Transmission of the end of travel information in case of loss of power supply (option)
When the actuator power supply is off, the INTEGRALBUS board is not power supplied and Profibus
communication with the DCS is lost.
In order to maintain the communication, the INTEGRALBUS can use a external auxiliary 24VDC
power supply back-up (50mA single channel or 83mA dual channel).
In order, to transmit the valve position, 2 auxiliary end of travel limit switches have to be mounted
into the actuator. These 2 travel limit switches are connected directly to the INTEGRALBUS.
If you wish to add this feature on an actuator already installed on site :
- Install the two auxiliary end of travel limit switches and set them into the desired position.
- Connect the auxiliary travel limit switches to the INTEGRALBUS J3 connector
- Change the INTEGRALBUS board jumpers J1 and J2 from position A to position B
- In the junction box bring a 24DC power supply between ter and -.
According to the actuator equipment it is possible to transmit through the fieldbus the valve position
(options feedback potentiometer) or to command the actuator positions (0 to 100%) and to read the
feedback position.
1. Set INTEGRALBUS board CAV1 jumper on position B (pot).
2. Setting :
Connect a multimeter on red and black test points (5VDC)
Put the actuator in the closed position. Set the 0% by adjusting the feedback potentiometer
in the actuator in order to read 0V on the meter.
Put the actuator in the open position. Set the 100% by adjusting the potentiometer POT 1
locating on the INTE GRALBUS board in the actuator in order to read 2.4V on the meter.
1. Set INTEGRALBUS board CAV1 jumper on position A (mA).
2. On the GAMK board, set switches 4,8 and 9 in position B (0-5V command).
Address switches
tens units
End of line resistor
L1 to L3 board status Led