USER MANUAL Page 21 of 33
When VOX is on i n your working ch annel.
Speak to the microphone directly, it will transmit automatically.
The radi o stops transmitti ng when there is no voice and wai ts for
receivi ng.
When a headset wi th a microphone is used.
When VOX is on, you shoul d adjust VOX gai n for the radi o to ide ntify
voice volume.
If microphone is too sensitive, the noise around radi o will start
If mi crophone is not sensiti ve, the radi o can not collect your voice.
Please adj ust VOX l evel well to guarantee smooth communicati ons.
▪VOX Ending delay time (VOX D)
The radi o resumes to receivi ng mode soon after transmi tti ng. Your TX voice
may sometimes not be sent out successfully. To avoi d this probl em, you can
adjust VOX del ay time after transmission. Access to Menu 26, use [Up]/[Down ]
key to select your desired del ay time. (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s)
▪VOX Sensitivity (VOX S)
To make VOX more suitabl e for everyone to use, with different speaki ng
vol ume and tone, pl ease adjust and choose the most suitabl e l evel to use.
Access to menu 27, use [ Up]/[Down] key to select your desired sensi tivity.
▪VOX lock in busy channel (VXB)
VOX can not work when a si gnal is received to avoi d interferi ng. Turn this
functi on on/off through Menu 28.