USER MANUAL Page 12 of 33
Basic Operation
Power on/off
Rotate power/vol ume knob cl ockwise until beep sound is heard to turn on.
Rotate power/vol ume knob counter -cl ockwise to power off.
Adjusting volume
Rotate power/vol ume knob cl ockwise, when it powers on, continue to rotate i t
to adj ust vol ume. When background noise is not heard, pl ease press [MONI]
key, rotate power/vol ume knob, the background noise will be heard.
Adjusting squelch level
The purpose of squelch functi on is to eliminate background noise when there
is no si gnal received. (Squelch circui t closed)
If the squelch output setti ng correct, the sound will be heard when there is
signal received. (Squelch circuit open)
Press [F] and [1] key, the c urrent squelch l evel is shown.
Use [Up]/[Down] keys to select squelch l evel from 0 -9.
Background noise is eliminated when there is no signal. The hi gher the