USER MANUAL Page 4 of 33
Using tips
Unpacking and checking equipment
Using tips
Obey the l ocal government regul ati on before this radi o, improper use may
viol ate the l aw and be punished.
Turn off the radi o before enteri ng fl ammabl e or explosi ve areas.
Do not charge or change the battery i n fl ammabl e or explosive areas.
Turn off the radio before getting cl ose to the blasti ng zone or detonator
Do not use radi o whose antenna is damage d, touching of damaged
antenna will cause heat i nj ury.
Do not attempt to open the radio; the mai ntenance work shoul d be done by
technical expert only.
To avoi d troubl es caused by el ectromagnetic i nterference or
el ectromagnetic compati bility, pl ease turn of f the radi o i n pl aces where
have the banner “Do not use wirel ess equipment”, such as hospital and
other heal thcare pl aces.
In the car with an ai rbag, do not put the radio withi n the scope of the
airbag deployment.
Do not store the radi o under the direct su nshi ne or i n hot areas.
When you transmit wi th the radi o, do keep away from its antenna for 5cm
at l east.