Unit goes into alarm: pH too high.
pH > 8.5
Verify pH with color method.
Correct pH manually or disable
alarm function once and allow
dosimeter to reduce pH.
Acid container is empty
Replace acid container
Electrode broken
Replace electrode
Unit goes into alarm: pH too low
pH <5.5
Verify pH with color method.
Correct pH manually or disable
alarm function once and allow
dosing device to reduce pH. Use
pH+ once and set setting device to
Electrode broken
Replace electrode
pH always 7, also in calibration
liquids pH 4 and pH 9.
Broken pH probe
Replace pH probe and recalibrate
Device goes into alarm: Rx too low
Rx < 150. Impurities in pool water
Switch temporarily to manual
addition of chlorine. Check chlorine
via color measurement.
Chlorine container is empty
Replace chlorine container
Electrode broken
Replace electrode
Rx gives very different value with
regard to table 1
Impurity in the water
Switch off chlorine dosing, and
(temporarily) add chlorine
Probe broken
Replace probe
Electromagnetic interference
Verify grounding
How do I bring my dosing device in for maintenance or repair?
Keep in mind that when you remove the suction nipples from the acid and chlorine
container there is still a certain amount of liquid in the suction tube and pump.
The easiest way to rinse the suction and pump is just to hang the removed suction nipples in
a bucket of water instead of the barrels and let the installation run for 30 minutes. Now the
unit is rinsed and ready to be disconnected. Now it can be transported in a safe way without
causing any damage to your means of transport.
At delivery the measuring probes are in a container with storage liquid. Always keep the
probes in the storage solution during transport. If the probes are transported DRY, there is a
great risk that they will be damaged on arrival and no longer measure correctly, and
therefore they are out of warranty.
A device can only come in for repair after the application of a repair number, no devices will
be accepted without a repair number. The repair number can be printed out and is stuck on
the appliance.