3.2 Interface Specification
There are several connection interfaces for the PDX3000/LDX9000/LTX9000/LDX1000
family of universal displays.
USB Interface Connector
All USB pole displays will have standard USB type-A connectors. It is connected to
the USB port of the computer.
1: V+
2: D-
3: D+
4: Ground
Serial Interface Connector
The pin out configuration for the standard serial pole display is a DB9F connector. It
plugs directly into the serial port of the computer.
1: DCD (tied to pins 4&6)
2: NC
3: TXD from PC
4: DTR (tied to pins 1&6)
5: Ground
6: DSR (tied to pins 1&4)
7: RTS (tied to pin 8)
8: CTS (tied to pin 7)
9: +5 VDC
Serial pass-through Interface Connectors (LDX9000 & PDX3000 only)
For pass-through models, the display cable comes with two connectors. The DB9F is to be
connected to the computer while the DB25M is for connection to the peripheral.
To computer:
1: DCD (tied to pins 4&6)
2: TXD to PC
3: RXD from PC
4: DTR (tied to pins 1&6)
5: Ground
6: DSR (tied to pins 1&4)
7: RTS (tied to pin 8)
8: CTS (tied to pin 7)
9: +5 VDC
DB9F (to computer)
DB9F (to computer)