4.2 MAC OS X 10.6.6, 10.6.6 X64, 10.5.8 INTEL, 10.5.8 PPC
Latest USB drivers are available on our web site at www.bematechus.com
Please download and unzip the driver files before installation.
1. DO NOT plug the line display in USB port
2. Download the z
ip file into “Documents” folder. Unzip the zip file.
3. Double-
click “Install_lcpdDll” to Install LCI pole display API library.
4. Plug the pole display to Mac PC USB socket. And wait until a logo message
displayed on the screen of the device.
Run the testing program by double clicking “QcPdUsb” to test the API.
If error message box pop out:
1. "QcPdUsb cannot be opened because of a problem" - the driver was not
installed properly.
2. "No LCPD devices found" - check the connection of the USB line display with
Mac PC.
3. "... tty ..." - do the followings:
Open the terminal in the “Applications -> Utilities”.
Run “cd usr”.
Run “cd local”.
Run “sudo rmdir lib” to remove the folder.
Run “cd ..” to return to "usr" folder.
Run “sudo rmdir local” to remove the folder.
Run “cd ..” to return to current user folder.
Run “sudo rmdir usr” to remove the folder.
To run the testing program in a terminal:
1. Open a terminal window.
2. Navigate to the testing program folder
with “cd” command.
Run “chmod 755 example” in the terminal window.
Run “./example”.