F5D8636-4_man updated by ARC
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Dynamic/Fixed IP (1483 Bridged)
Static IP (IPoA)
Modem Only (Disable Internet Sharing)
Select the type of connection you use by clicking the radio button (1) next to your
connection type and then clicking “Next”.
Setting your ISP Connection Type to PPPoE or PPPoA
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is the standard method of
connecting networked devices. It requires a user name and password to access
the network of your ISP for connecting to the Internet. PPPoA (PPP over ATM) is
similar to PPPoE, but is mostly implemented in the UK. Select PPPoE or PPPoA
and click “Next”. Then enter the information provided by your ISP, and click
“Apply Changes” to activate your settings.