If other symbols than those shown in Figure 5.3.4
or 5.3.5 are displayed on the LCD, the socket is not
correctly connected or the test lead connections are
incorrect. Please refer to section 6.0 on page 31 for
an explanation of individual errors.
Briefly press the ”Start / on" key (22), the test is
started. During running measurement, the mes-
sage 'Test...' is (11) is displayed, please refer to
figure 5.4.7.
Figure 5.3.7: Test procedure running
After approx. 3 seconds, the mains internal resis-
tance test is completed and the instrument then dis-
plays the test result. The instrument Telaris 0100-
ELECTROcheck works with a limit value of 1.5
The mains internal resistance measured is evaluat-
ed and directly displayed as result (10) or (6) to-
gether with symbol (14). Behind the LCD, a green
LED is illuminated as additional indication for suc-
cessful test completion, the red LED indicates an
unsuccessful test result.
Figure 5.3.8: Test result with limit value met
Figure 5.3.9: Test result with limit value not met
Testing the Mains Internal Resistance
PTDB90510001.qxd 02.03.2006 12:23 Uhr Seite 61