Technical Data
Indications refer to 23°C±5°C at <75% rel. humidity
For the instruments Hexagon 340 (True RMS) the accuracy is specified within
the ranges 5...100% of final measurement range value. Crest factor < 3:1 at
final measurement range value and < 6:1 at half the final measurement range
value and within the indicated frequency bandwidth for non-sinus shaped cur-
rents and voltages.
Voltage DC
Overload Protection
50.00 mV
±(0.12 % + 2d)
600 V DC / ACeff
500 mV
±(0.06 % + 2d)
600 V DC / ACeff
5.000 V; 50.00 V; 500.0 V; 1000 V
±(0.08 % + 2d) 1050 Veff / 1450 Vp
NMRR: > 60dB (50/60Hz)
CMRR: >120db (DC, 50/60Hz, Rs=1kV)
Input Impedance: 10M
, 16 pF nominal
(44pF nNominal at 50mV, 500mV)
Diode Test
Range Tolerance Test Current Test Voltage Overload Protection
2.000 V ±(1% + 1d) 0.4 mA 3.5 V DC 600 V DC / ACeff
PTDB93497000.qxd:PTDB93494-04.qxd 14.01.2009 15:24 Uhr Seite 65